You Have come to the right place
Are you thinking about conceiving, have been trying to conceive for some time, or are undergoing ART/IVF treatments?
Below are some of the most common challenges seen in clinic and are positively impacted using acupuncture.
Female Fertility Challenges
Treatment objectives to enhance fertility in women begins with regulating the menstrual cycle and optimizing ovulation. Common issues seen in clinic include:
• irregular menstruation
• scanty or absent menstruation
• polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
• hormone imbalances seen after cessation of birth control
• age-related difficulties
• endometriosis, cysts, and fibroids
• habitual miscarriages
Male Infertility
Treatment objectives to enhance fertility in males focuses on quality of sperm production including quantity, motility, and morphology. Commonly seen issues that cause fertility difficulties include:
• high blood pressure
• impotence or erectile dysfunction
• reduced sperm production
• age
• pharmaceutical drugs
• nicotine and alcohol usage
• chemical exposure
ART/IVF Support
Extensive research has been conducted in more recent years in the areas of IVF and acupuncture. These studies have shown that acupuncture increases the chances of conception by 60% in vitro fertilization. Dr. Katie and Dr. Jonna use acupuncture to support the body and mind through the entire process involved in fertility protocols. Treatment visits before and after IVF or IUI increases the chances for successful implantation and can help lead to a healthy pregnancy.
Monday: 11-7 pm
Tuesday: 3-7 pm
Wednesday 9 – 7 pm
Thursday 3 – 7 pm
Friday 10-4 pm
By Appointment Only

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#2, 118 Main Street NE
Airdrie, Alberta